
Earth Security is the strategic advisor of high-level Berlin Global Forum

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November 17, 2015

Over the last two years, Earth Security has advised the development of the BMW Foundation Global Tables, which concluded with a high-level 1st Berlin Global Forum. The Global Tables have created a new stakeholder engagement format, providing an intimate, off-the-record, and high-level meeting in isolated places in nature, which seek to connect the industrial and diplomatic interests of Europe and leading emerging economies on critical sustainable development challenges.

The 1st Berlin Global Forum, which took place last week on Friday 13 Nov. brought together heads of state, corporate CEOs and investors and civil society innovators from Europe and emerging markets, in an unprecedented space of dialogue. The forum marks the end of a global process that included strategic meetings in China, Italy, Brazil, Poland and Tanzania.

The keynote address provided by Peter Altmaier, Head of the Federal Chancellery and Federal Minister for Special Tasks in Berlin, marked the high-level political tone. Mr Altmaier represents Chancellor Angela Merkel in the government's response to the refugee agenda.

The publication outlining the forum's strategic topics features an article by Earth Security founder, Alejandro Litovsky on the strategic design of the global program and articles by participants that provide proposals for European governments and industry groups to rethink energy security and cross-border investments, the cooperation with China's trade and investment agenda, and the response of Europe to the refugee crisis, which is seen as one of the critical issues for Europe in the next years.

Founder and CEO Alejandro Litovsky participates in a high-level discussion on Europe and emerging economies which included the President of Bulgaria; the former President of the Kirghiz Republic; the former UK Minister for Energy and Climate Change; the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BMW Group; the Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee of the German Bundestag; the Head of Africa of the World Economic Forum, among others.
Welcome words by Michael Schaefer, former German Ambassador to China and Chairman of BMW Foundation. Photo Credit: Claudia Leisinger
Keynote address by Peter Altmaier, Head of the Federal Chancellory and Angela Merkel’s representative on the refugee crisis. Photo credit: Claudia Leisinger
Astrid Skala-Kuhmann, Head of Emerging Economy Partnerships at GIZ and Earth Security Founder and CEO Alejandro Litovsky. Photo credit: Claudia Leisinger
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