
Earth Security Index 2016 Report launched in London bridging industry and diplomacy

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June 15, 2016

Today we launched the Earth Security Index 2016 Report at a business breakfast event in London attended by industry leaders, banks and financial institutions and government ambassadors from emerging markets.

The report provides a new lens, analysis and strategy recommendations for large multinationals in infrastructure, oil & gas, food & agriculture to align their business to the development priorities of their high-growth countries.

A discussion panel addressed the changing risk context that industry and investors are facing due to social, resource and governance pressures, endorsing the opportunities for companies to cooperate with governments to develop pathways of sustainable growth.

Earth Security Founder & CEO presenting the Earth Security Index

The panel included:

  • Philippe Joubert, former President of Alstom Power and Chair of the Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leadership Group
  • Cho Khong, Chief Political Analyst, Shell International
  • Anna Swaithes, Head of Sustainable Development, SABMiller
  • Ambassador Pio Wennubst, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Panelists at the launch of the 2016 Earth Security Index

The report was commended for the novel analysis of development challenges facing the industry; its focus on building the capability of companies to work on solutions and collaborate with stakeholders; and for developing a new language that unites industry, political and development interests — around the concept of ‘business diplomacy for sustainable development’.

 Founder & CEO, Alejandro Litovsky, presenting the Earth Security Index 2016
Director of Operations, Pablo Orvananos, discussing the report with the Ambassador of Bolivia and the Ministers of Colombia and Mexico.
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