
Munich Security Conference discusses the 2015 Earth Security Index

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February 13, 2015

Munich, 6th February 2015: German energy and technology companies with investments in Russia have a role to play to defuse geopolitical tensions, was the message of Earth Security at the Munich Security Conference.

In a high-level discussion convened jointly with our partner the BMW Foundation and the Munich Security Conference, Earth Security CEO, Alejandro Litovsky presented the 2015 Earth Security Index and its forward-looking blueprint on how Germany's energy transition can help improve long-term relations with Russia and Turkey two strategic emerging markets.

The blueprint delivered a new way of thinking about regional converging interests in energy and security and provided the 120+ participants attending the Munich Security Conference, including former heads of state, foreign ministers and business leaders, with a new framework to identify pathways that European politicians and business leaders should focus on in the early months of 2015.

Following the introduction by Michael Schaefer, Chair of the board of BMW Foundation and Alejandro Litovsky's presentation, a discussion panel provided a unique window of insights around the opportunities to build long-term resilience. Panelists were:

  • Norbert Rottgen, Chairman Foreign Affairs Committee German Bundestag Berlin
  • Andrey Kortunov, Director General, Russian International Affairs Council, Russia
  • Andriy Kobolev, CEO, Naftogaz, Ukraine.
  • Andrew Brown, Upstream International Director and Executive Committee, Shell International
  • Moderator: Edward Lucas, Russia, Energy and Natural Resources Editor, the Economist.
Discussion panel: (from left) Norbert Rottgen (German Parliament), Edward Lucas (The Economist) and Andrew Brown (Shell International). The panel also included Andrey Kortunov, Director General, Russian International Affairs Council in Moscow; and Andriy Kobolev, CEO, Naftogaz, Ukraine.
The 2015 Earth Security Index blueprint on Russia, Germany and Turkey shows the role that infrastructure investments can play in creating long-term stability. Copyright: Earth Security
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