
Earth Security talks to corporate executives in Cambridge University

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November 10, 2015

A group of 35 senior executives from global Fortune 500 companies gathered in Madingley Hall, University of Cambridge, for a 4-day Senior Executive seminar on business and sustainability. The event, organised by the Prince of Wales' Business & Sustainability Programme, created an intimate environment for companies to reflect on key challenges ahead.

A corporate participant said, "Earth Security's presentation opened my eyes to a whole set of issues that our company should be doing in terms of risk management and stakeholder collaboration."

Aris Vrettos, Director of the Prince of Wales' Executive Education programmes said: "Earth Security is tackling a critical issue for global companies in resource-intensive sectors, which face increasingly complex sustainability challenges in resource-contained countries, and must relate to stakeholders in government and civil society in new ways. Earth Security provides a unique and compelling global overview of challenges and opportunities for companies."

The Prince of Wales' Business & Sustainability Executive Education programme has a strong, strategic focus on the changing global context, on risks and opportunities for business and on effective approaches to developing sustainable business strategies and business processes.

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