
Earth Security chairs discussion on multilateralism at Tällberg Forum 2011

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July 3, 2011

Sunday, July rd 2011, Tällberg Forum, Sigtuna, Sweden: In partnership with the Tällberg Foundation in Sweden, as the Earth Security began to take shape, Alejandro Litovsky convened and chaired a session on the future of environmental multilateralism with:

  • Achim Steiner, Executive Director of UNEP;
  • Fadi Zaghmout, a young blogger with The Arab Observer in Jordan;
  • Oded Grajew, the Brazilian businessman who initiated the World Social Forum in Brazil;
  • Christine Loh, CEO of the Civic Exchange in Hong Kong, and
  • Alexandra Wandel, Director of the World Future Council in Germany.

Twenty years after the UN-sponsored ‘Earth Summit’ in Rio de Janeiro, the sustainability agenda remains largely unfulfilled. The Rio+20 Conference to be held in Rio de Janeiro in 2012 provides an opportunity to create a new momentum for the sustainability agenda.

Amid so much uncertainty about the future of multilateral agreements to enforce environmental gold, Litovsky asked which leaders will take the baton to enforce the Earth agenda after 2012?

TÄLLBERG 20090625Tällberg Forum öppnade på torsdagen i Tällberg i Dalarna. Från vänster Grundaren och ordförande i Tällberg Foudation Bo Ekman, Mikronesiens President Emanuel Mori, Christine Loh vd för Cvic Exchange i Honkong, direktör i Stockholm Enviroment Institute Johan Rockström och Norges förra statsminister Gro Harlem Brundtland.Foto: Henrik Montgomery / SCANPIX / Kod: 10060
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